Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Front Cover Analysis
The central image is of Gerrard Way from My Chemical Romance, NME wants us to feel like we have a relationship with him due having a direct mode of address. However, his body is twisted away from the camera and only half of his face is on view, this suggests that NME wants to create an element of mystery around Gerrard Way, they want us to know him but not the whole of him.
Gerrard is on the front cover due to the upcoming release of My Chemical Romance's new album. NME can take advantage of the huge fanbase of the band who will buy this new issue simply because Gerrard Way is on the cover. NME can also draw in a bigger readership as Gerrard is talking about their new album; My Chemical Romance have'nt released an album since 'The Black Parade' went platinum in 2006.
It sees its self as more as a newspaper than a magazine, as the title suggests, and reports on the latest gossip in the music world.
The title block tells us that the magazine is attempting to attract the youth with its bold lettering, the pointed 'M' also suggests that the magazine is 'cutting edge' and can offer new music to its young readers. The colours are also very bold which is something that the readership seeks as they search for who they really are. The title is also pronounced 'Enemy' which connotes the readership attempting to 'stick it to the man', it also suggests that the magazines enemy is popular culture, with this being the same enemy as the readership.
His edgy haircut and dark make-up could reflect his character; it makes him appear like a Vampire. This is strengthened by his facial expression and studio lighting. The colour theme of this cover is black, red and white. These are very dominant and powerful colours that would appeal to the male target audience; they also fit in with the consistent colours of the title block to compose the magazine cover and glue all the factions together using the same colour theme.

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